Today’s blog post is going to be about parenting. Let me just start by saying being a parent is the hardest yet, most rewarding job ever. Raising children in today’s world is challenging. It seems that everyone is against each other instead of praising each other for doing whatever works personally for you and your children. Everyone seems to have a smart phone in hand with the video camera ready to video your every move. As a mom myself I don’t feel comfortable spanking my children in public for others to see. I am a mom who believes in spanking. It works in my household. However, all these negative nancy’s out there think it’s their job to report someone for spanking. Excuse me but since when did it become a thing to judge how a mom is mothering her children? Mind your own business, I’m sure your ducks aren’t all in a row.
Social media seems to control much of the society these days. Everyone is looking to be facebook famous or youtube famous. Kids think it is so fun to watch other kids make stuff and play with toys on youtube. Are you kidding me? When I was a kid I played outside for hours using my imagination with my brothers. It is very hard to instill this into children now. They see others on tablets, smart phones, and other smart devices and wonder why they don’t have a cell phone by the time they are 8. I didn’t have a cell phone until I was 16 years old. When I was old enough to drive. I worked a job on the weekends and paid for my own phone. Now kids are being put on cell phone plans by 8. My 6 year old has already asked for a phone. That is unreal to me. I wish I could let my kids experience one day in my shoes from when I was a kid. If only it were that easy.
As time changes and years pass you have to adapt to the changes and go with it. So as a mom in 2018 I say you do what works for you. As moms we all feel like pulling our hair out one day or another. That’s totally normal.
P.S. as long as your kids know you love them at the end of the day and they are happy, healthy, and well taken care of I’d say you are doing a great job.